You Can't Make This S**t Up can't.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Paris Hilton: Yea or Nay?

Why is our culture currently obsessed with a girl who

a) isn't smart

b) isn't interesting

c) makes porn

d) resembles a shorn-too-close poodle?

Why? Why?

Some people find the whole concept--the whole IDEA that being a socialite with nothing interesting to say could capture the world's imagination--fascinating. I could be counted as one, every now and then.

But, it's still just odd, isn't it? Jessica Simpson supposedly isn't smart, but that's an image she offers with a submissive wink. Ashlee Simpson (let's keep it in the family) is a helpless puppet who doesn't know the real world from her left hand, but at least her situation/show is a sympathy-and-cringe-inducing train wreck fest that opens our eyes about modern celebrity. Britney Spears--well, if she doesn't provoke some conversation, whether it's being horribly and deliciously idiotic on the missnamed "Chaotic," or her reliably snappy tunes, then you're completely immune to pop culture.

But Paris Hilton? I just don't get it.

Just curious.

Friday, May 20, 2005

"Do's" and "Don't's" Star Wars Style

Originally uploaded by violetta.
We were discussing here in my office how George Lucas is a magnificent producer, not so hot on the writing and directing aspects of filmmaking.

This extends to hair and makeup. Apparently, even though the effects and cinematography are already miles different from the old movies, he attempts to imitate the 70s-era looks of his sequels in his recent Star Wars flicks--to disastrous effect.

However, in the new movie, Return of the Sith, I'm seeing way better hairstyles. Anakin Skywalker, played by Hayden Christensen, is the greatest improvement.

Remember in the other two movies, he had that horrendous mullet-let, the beginnings of a bi-level, with that horrid spring-break-in-Cancun-in-1994 braid? Ech! How can you even identify with an anti-hero with such horrid hair?

Now, he has a lush haircut, perhaps a bit too poofy, but when sufficiently weighed down with sweat and angst, has that hot I'm-a-NYC-filmmaker-in-the-70s shagginess. I love it!

Yoda is next!

Oh-My-God-The-O-C: Season Finale

Okay, it was full of potboiler twists--totally operatic--but I must say, there were a couple scenes where I really was touched. The acting in this show is totally top notch, and that's the most important facet of this show. The show has to deliver outrageous plot twists--that's why we watch it; it has to deliver high drama; but to make it palatable and in-depth, the acting has to be straightforward and skilled. Luckily it is, even by the people who play the most cartoonish characters (i.e. Melinda Clarke as Julie Cooper). Well, Mischa Barton isn't exactly Meryl Streep, but she's fine for now.

I'll miss it. Will Marissa go to jail? Is Tray actually dead? Will Kiki survive rehab? ?? Will she??? WILL SHE??

Must calm down. I have a summer to get through mentally intact!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

"Double Feature"'s all around

Unbeknownst to me, Alias was two hours long!

Prior to that, I caught the rerun of the E! "True Hollywood Story" of a woman with a grand pair of double features herself, Dolly Parton. Her parting words were something like: "20 years when I look back, I'll say that I've made it, I've been a musician, a songwriter...and people will still probably say, she looks like a tramp!" She then giggles festively and I giggle with her. God, I love that woman.

So Alias, for all those who missed it, was a little confusing (that's what happens when you pay your bills AND try to watch a spy drama at the same time). Some highlights were finding an actually quiet and kind Irina, and Vaughn proposing to Sydney after a funny "ask for your blessing" scene with Jack Bristow. All kinds of fun stuff is happening, but Arvin Sloan's ties are still way too wide. Good Lord, they're bigger than his head!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

This is Shane from the L Word

Originally uploaded by violetta.
So I've been googling Katherine Moennig, who plays Shane in "The L Word," expecting to see "smashingly talented hot actress Kathrine Moennig" or "best character on the L Word, hands down, played by stunningly effective actress Katherine Moennig..." but no, just the cursory mention of her along with all the other fine actresses in this delightfully syrupy soap.

Maybe she calls to me so well because I think even Sydney Bristow cries too readily. I like my heroines super tough with realistic lapses of armor. I think Moennig does a great job. And I LOVE HER EYELINER. I seriously need a change style-wise and perhaps Ms. Moennig's stylists on the L Word can urge me to do so. Perhaps a change back from Blonde to Brunette? Dare I be so persuaded???

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Reasons Why I Haven't Updated My Blog

1. My mother visited last week. Since I just moved into a condo that still needs many things (including carpet), we were VERY busy. We went to Target three times, one visit that actually drew blood.

1a. Further on the house/drawing blood tip, I've been trying to check off a never-ending to-do list. I still need carpet, and I have to constantly get on Lowes' ass about delivery; I have furniture to buy; painting jobs to finish (I painted one bathroom cabinet and one desk); a damn fridge to sell (3 people have flaked out already); and...and...shit, I can't even remember. Too much. Not that I'm complaining; it's a wonderful thing to finally be "house poor."

2. I have been working. Not the normal 8-5 bullcrap, but a tv production job. Which is a whole other fun scintillating but very tiring ball of wax.

3. I got cable. Like 800-channel digital cable on steroids (for three months anyways--introductory offer). Which leads me to...

4. I have been watching "the L Word." Per a co-worker's recommendation, I rented the first 4 eps of season 1, then used my handy "Showtime ON DEMAND" on my new cable system to blaze through the first part of season 2. And can I just say: I love SHANE!! Kathryn Moennig (sp?) is an awesome, intriguing, dynamite actress. I wish I were someone with some sort of power so I could build a show around her--she's incredible!! I *so* want to do my eyeliner like her.

Re: Character, Shane's the rough-and-tumble heartbreaker who takes everything in stride and keeps her eyes and ears peeled without meddling in anyone's business. She's got a sexy low demi moore voice, but a boyish look and figure that is altogether so cool and so unique. I'd love to completely imitate her look for, like, a month.

Re: Pam Griers, not a good fit for the show. Great lady, but her character's all wrong. Luckily, with my ON DEMAND service, I can fast forward. Cable, how I love thee.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Dear Slade - Re: Alias

You know what...I do not watch Lost. If it's on, I'll take a gander, but I just can't get into it. I've noted that newer Lost fans do not partake of Alias either. Two different schools of the JJ Abrams university? I guess so.

Marshall is awesome. Without him, the show would have a dead weight to it. But he brings just the right amount of comic relief to Alias. Bless him. And JJ Abrams.

PS. Is Jack Bristow going to die?????