You Can't Make This S**t Up can't.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A Wealth of Goodness

Sunday nights are a veritable pleasure fest. Oh, the television! In order, starting at 7pm PST:

1. 60 Minutes. Airs alongside Dateline, if you want to get a tabloid version of the human-interest and political junkie stories that the venerable 60M specializes in. Me, I prefer Lesley Stahl to Stone Philips, but ocassionally the "gone missing at sea" stories are just the thing for a lazy Sunday night. ("What you don't know about your washing machine can kill you.")

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2. The West Wing. Rescuissitated (barely) into a once-again nail biting journey of politics, thanks to a fortuitously timed "TV land" election. And the best part? (SPOILER ALERT)

The Democrats won!!! (Altho frankly, Vinick was a Moderate Republican--better than a full-on bleeding heart Dem, in my opinion--and always took the high road. So either way, it was a fantasy.)
John Spencer's untimely death was incredibly sad, but the writers have turned it into a drama goldmine. I hope Mr. Spencer, up in heaven watching reruns on Bravo, finds that flattering as opposed to tacky.

2a. A cute little show on HGTV which I will not announce here as I work on it and THERE GOES MY SECRET IDENTITY...but it IS the best show on HGTV, hands down!

3. Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Dare I say it, I almost prefer Chris Noth and Anabella Sciorra's wry, under-the-radar duo to Vincent D'Onofrio and Katherine Erbe's oddball pairing, although it's really like comparing Veuve Cliquot with Dom Perignon. Noth is so hardboiled without pushing it, and Sciorra plays her character like a seasoned vet with a peculiar insight into crooks as well as vast knowledge of the most trivial things. Last night's ep was about an opera house that ended up fertile ground for murder, complete with over-the-top characterizations by Alice Krige and Julien Sands. Loved it!

4. Law and Order reruns of every flavor--SVU, CI, and often the mother ship--late into the night on various cable channels. Heaven!

5. And, though I forgot to Tivo it, I hear So NoToriOus, on VH-1, is a crowd pleasure. As if I can fit any more juicy goodness into my Sunday nights. I worship thee, Sunday night TV gods.....


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