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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

"The Thing About My Folks" is that um it's just okay

I caught Paul Reiser's "The Thing About My Folks" at a screening as part of a UCLA class that my website editor is moderating, and it was eh, okay. (Say those last two words with a Peter Falk tough guy accent.)

Peter Falk was great as Paul Reiser's dad, Paul Reiser was great as...Paul Reiser, everyone was great in it, actually. It was just super duper ooper sentimental. All the little cliches were there, thinned out a bit by sensible directing, but there nonetheless.

However, it seems to elicit a warm response and I think it's heartfelt and sincere, which is saying a lot. And, I love Paul Reiser. He's a really good actor. Falk was good too, but it was more like he was playing a cartoon character than a real person.

I'm completely shocked the film hasn't found distribution. It's a total sentimental crowd pleaser. Honestly, I can't figure out this country. What do they want? Then again, it's the distribs to blame, I suppose. They think the film is "too Jewish." There's not one yarmulke or dreidel to be found, just a few phlegm-filled yiddish slang. Was "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" too Greek, for Pete's sake?


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