You Can't Make This S**t Up can't.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Days of Our Lives Funny 2.0

Originally uploaded by violetta.
So, three co-workers are at a deli in Studio City, suspiciously close to a Bally's where DOOL stars are known to buff up. Who should be in there...but Rex, from DOOL! Rex is a guy who doles out compassion to his troubled co-stars and spends a lot of time shirtless. This explains his proximity to the Bally's.

By the time I got to the deli, he was gone--or rather, I saw the back of his head. However, one of my officemates bravely told him that she and her pals watched DOOL every day and were big fans. He was quite gracious.

She also tried to take a picture of him with her palm pilot on the sly. Unfortunately, she failed in this noble endeavor. But it's nice to know success hasn't spoiled dear Rex (who currently is bedside as Mimi struggles to tell him from her hospital bed that she had an abortion. I don't know why she's in the hospital bed. I missed that day.)


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