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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Passion Re-What?

Apparently there is a "re-cut" of Passion of the Christ. Not director's cut, or theatrical cut, but a "re-cut." So I hop on l'internet and come to find that Mel Gibson read my mind: It's the movie, with 6 of the goriest minutes cut.

Now I think I might catch it. (Did you like how I said that? "Catch" it? Like it's Hitch or something.) I don't have anything against a religious film and heard it was quite beautifully filmed as well, and I think Gibson is a bit of a nut, but I have to give him credit for sticking to his convictions.

Even more so because, despite the millions over expectations that this movie made, instead of releasing an indulgent director's cut, Gibson wants to widen its audience even more to nervous-tummied folk like myself, but CUTTING the even more indulgent blood and gore.

Reserve your Easter tickets now, everyone. What's a little martyrdom? Catholics beware: I overheard someone say when they saw it the first time around, it was so brutal they felt guilty just getting popcorn.


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