According to a pal who works in the entertainment industry, there apparentlly is code going around for cocaine: chocolate. I imagine this is the update to "dust" and "party favor."
And it's still endlessly going around that all these skinny blond girls on the big screen--even the uber-innocent seeming ones--are doing a lot of chocolate.
People, when will it all end?
For years now I've gradually come to the conclusion that being rich and famous just isn't worth the misery. Though we all claim we'd be able to handle it. But I wonder.
And it's still endlessly going around that all these skinny blond girls on the big screen--even the uber-innocent seeming ones--are doing a lot of chocolate.
People, when will it all end?
For years now I've gradually come to the conclusion that being rich and famous just isn't worth the misery. Though we all claim we'd be able to handle it. But I wonder.
At 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings violetta, you have a pretty cool blog here. I was searching for work from home. I just started my home business and you can see it at this link - work from home. Your post title caught my eye - . I'm just looking for tips on how to be a better mentor. I know that’s not what you’re going on about in this post but I am trying to expand my vocabulary phrases so I can talk to many different personalities. I mean I have to talk to a lot of people and I need to be able to connect with everyone.
Anyways violetta, this helped. Keep it up, I'll be back.
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings violetta, you have a pretty cool blog here. I was searching for work at home mums. I just started my home business and you can see it at this link - work at home mums. Your post title caught my eye - . I'm just looking for tips on how to be a better mentor. I know that’s not what you’re going on about in this post but I am trying to expand my vocabulary phrases so I can talk to many different personalities. I mean I have to talk to a lot of people and I need to be able to connect with everyone.
Anyways violetta, this helped. Keep it up, I'll be back.
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was searching for work from home pc sites. I have a home based business and I wanted some ideas and tips. I also have a blog, it is www.adminsupervisor.blogspot.com it’s new and it’s getting better all the time. Have a look if you want, but I'm moving house and have not posted in a while. I'll get back to it soon.
My other site is a work from home pc site. I recently decided to build my own income and I thought I searching for tips would help me become a better mentor.
Keep up the great work violetta, I'll be back soon.
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey violetta, you have a great blog here. caught my eye and I thought I would put a post on it. I'm looking for help.
The site I have is a work from home moms site. Its all about, need I say it, working from home. I think people should have the choice to build their own income instead of somebody else’s. Freedom of well being and all of that...anyway I was on your site looking for ways to help my business. I'm really looking for ways of building better rapport between recruits.
Anyways violetta thanks for the great blog. I'll just have to carry on my search till I find what I'm looking for. Take care.
At 7:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Greetings violetta, you have a pretty cool blog here. I was searching for work from home directory. I just started my home business and you can see it at this link - work from home directory. Your post title caught my eye - . I'm just looking for tips on how to be a better mentor. I know that’s not what you’re going on about in this post but I am trying to expand my vocabulary phrases so I can talk to many different personalities. I mean I have to talk to a lot of people and I need to be able to connect with everyone.
Anyways violetta, this helped. Keep it up, I'll be back.
At 9:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was searching for work from home directory sites. I have a home based business and I wanted some ideas and tips. I also have a blog, it is www.adminsupervisor.blogspot.com it’s new and it’s getting better all the time. Have a look if you want, but I'm moving house and have not posted in a while. I'll get back to it soon.
My other site is a work from home directory site. I recently decided to build my own income and I thought I searching for tips would help me become a better mentor.
Keep up the great work violetta, I'll be back soon.
At 2:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
violetta, why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a work from home company site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title '' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was searching around for info on how to start a home based business. I found your blog violetta.
I was reading your post and believe it or not it’s helped me. Every tip I get helps, even if its just new phrases I have never used before, its helps me be a better mentor. This is my business link - work home uk - check it out and see what you think.
Anyways violetta, you have a good site. I'll be back.
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