You Can't Make This S**t Up can't.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Damn IT!

So I hate not posting every day on my blog, and ironically i'm holding down the first total-in-office job in two years. BUT, the IT department at my company are like the nuns in parochial school in 3rd grade.

For example, in orientation, I simply asked if there was a wireless network so I could bring in my laptop and work on it that way. Well, it was as if I asked if I could go around the company unplugging everyone's PCs. NO, they said. NO. IT'S VERY HARD TO GET INTO OUR WIRELESS NETWORK AND IF YOU COULD HACK INTO IT, WE'D HIRE YOU. HA HA HA BUT NO. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.


So I tried even downloading and using ICQ to IM such luck.

Damn you, IT!


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