You Can't Make This S**t Up can't.

Friday, March 18, 2005

House Hunting is Scary...but not as scary as Ring II

Just saw Ring II after a tiring week of negotiations over a tiny but well-located condo...and the Ring II shocked me out of my tension. Now I'm just scared that a decrepit little girl will crawl out of my tv.

Naturally, the previews matched the subject matter: I.e., thrillers. Well, War of the Worlds is an action-thriller, whatever. Anyhoo, The Skeleton Key, starring a blessedly subdued Kate Hudson, and Dark Water, with Jennifer Connelly, are all related somehow to The Ring (same minds behind them--writer of the Ringu novels, screenwriter), and why is Ring built around themes of single women kicking ghost butt? I don't mind seeing these female heroines, but is it because ephemeral supernatural beings can only be caught by female intuition? If I weren't so drained from counter offers and lending fees, I'd try to figure it out.


  • At 7:10 AM, Blogger Jason said…

    It can be even worse when you're trying to sell a house. I have a new one already in escrow, but I gotta get rid of my current one. The clock is ticking...


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